Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, is a bustling metropolis that has undergone significant transformation over the past decade, with its modern skyline often highlighted across social media. Seeing Riyadh is a group photography exhibition that offers a different perspective on the city, focusing on Riyadh’s public spaces, outskirts, residential areas, and architecture.
This exhibition invites visitors to explore Riyadh through the lenses of 20 Saudi and International artists, who capture the subtle nuances of both historic and contemporary sites—some still in use, others now abandoned.
Through their lenses, Seeing Riyadh reveals an intricate web of human connections, exploring the city’s urban and natural landscapes. It delves into the complex relationship between people and their surroundings, presenting these spaces as repositories of both personal and collective memory. Their works highlight often overlooked yet emotionally significant locales, connecting the distant with the familiar.
Virtual tour of the exhibition