Privacy and usage policy

Misk Art Institute website rules and conditions

This privacy policy will inform you of how we use your personal data, such as your name, email address and other contact information. We respect your right to privacy, and we are committed to protecting your personal data. This privacy policy applies to MisK's data processing activities in relation to data collected when you use the MisK Art Institute website.


What is your personal data?

Personal data is information that enables you to be identified. It includes things like your name, date of birth, and your email address. For example, your email address will identify you because no one else will have the same email address as you. These are just a few examples of what your data is. 


What personal data of yours do we have?

We collect the following:

  1. Name, address, and contact details
  2. Father's name
  3. Grandfather’s name
  4. Gender
  5. Nationality
  6. National ID number
  7. National ID copy
  8. Date of birth
  9. Country of residence
  10. Educational history
  11. Details and copies of qualifications and certificates
  12. Employment history
  13. Experience
  14. Skills
  15. Personal interests and hobbies
  16. CV
  17. Social media accounts


How do we get your personal data?

We have this personal information because:

  1. you may have provided it to us when you visited our website and created an account with us.
  2. you may have provided us with personal information when using our services or considering using our services.
  3. you may have visited our website with cookies and other website tracking tools enabled.
  4. you have made the information publicly available on social media websites where you have indicated that we can collect this information. You can control how much of your information social media websites make public by visiting these websites and changing your privacy settings.
  5. we may have received it from third parties who provide services to us. [For example, when you submit your email address to show an interest in using our services, we receive information from a third party that provides us with automated fraud detection services.]


Why can we use your data?

There are a lot of laws about data. These laws say that we can only use your data if we have a good reason. Our good reasons are that:

  1. Use of your data is necessary for us to achieve our legitimate interests.
  2. You have indicated that we can use your personal data.
  3. We require your personal data to provide you with our services, as we are obligated to do so by our terms and conditions; or
  4. We require your personal data to comply with any laws that apply to us.

We will look after your data properly. We’ll always tell you if we need to use your data for any other reason. 


What do we use your data for?

We use your data so that we can do the following:

  1. To provide you with our services
  2. To improve our website and service offering
  3. To improve our customer service.
  4. To administer a contest, promotion, survey or other site feature.
  5. To send you periodic emails on various subjects, including marketing and advertisements.


Applicable good reasons

  1. It is in our legitimate interests to make our website and service offering better.
  2. It is in our legitimate interests to make our customer service better.
  3. It is in our legitimate interests to provide you with our services.
  4. We are required to do so by our terms and conditions.
  5. It is in our legitimate interests to provide you with these offerings.
  6. We will only send you such emails if you say we can send them to you.


Will we send you ads and marketing materials?

We will only send you ads and marketing materials only when you have said we can do so. This will include adverts and promotions from our contest sponsors and promotional marketing partners that we think may be of interest to you.

However, if you say yes and later change your mind, you can ask that we stop sending you ads and marketing materials. Should you change your mind, the email containing the advertisement will include an "Unsubscribe" button so that you can stop receiving such data. Furthermore, you can also email us and ask us to stop sending you ads at the email address contained at the bottom of this policy.

We won’t do anything that we’re not allowed to with your data. We will always be honest with you about how we use your data. We’ll tell you why we use it.


Our use of cookies and similar tools

A cookie is not only a type of biscuit. A cookie can also be a small file that contains bits of data that is stored on your computer, tablet or phone whenever you visit a website. We use the following cookies on our website:

  1. Strictly necessary cookies

These cookies enable our website to operate and function. Without these cookies, you would not be able to visit our website and use our services.

  1. Performance cookies

These cookies provide us with information on how our website is performing. For example, they tell us how popular our website is by showing us how many people have visited it.

  1. Functionality cookies

These cookies allow our website to remember choices you have made. For example, if you choose our website to be displayed to you in English, a cookie will remember this and will show you the website in English the next time you visit.

  1. Advertising cookies

We use advertising cookies on our website to provide you with ads and promotions. These cookies may be our own but could also be those of other companies we are affiliated with. We will only use third-party cookies when you have said we can. You can change your device settings to ensure that you do not have advertising cookies on your device.

We use these cookies for several reasons, including:

  1. To provide you with our services.
  2. To identify the areas of our website that you have visited.
  3. To improve our website.
  4. To measure how popular our website is.
  5. To improve our website; and
  6. To market products and services to you.

The cookies will only be stored for 12 months.


Why is it important to protect personal data?

It can be a bit hard to understand how important data is and why you need to be able to protect and control it. 

We do not want other people or companies to see your data if you do not want them to. 

Think about something that means a lot to you – maybe it’s your mobile phone. You wouldn’t want someone to use it if you didn’t say they could. If you let someone use it, you’d want to know what they are using it for, that they are looking after it, and that they’ll tell you if something happens to it. You’d also want them to ask you before they let someone else use it, and to give it back to you if you ask for it. We treat your data as being equally important to you.   


How will we protect your data?

We have a range of tools and features in place that will help keep your data secure. These include physical, electronic and administrative procedures to ensure that your data is safeguarded.

We do things to make sure that other people can’t see your data without your permission. We work hard to protect your data. It is one of the most important things we do. Only you should know your password with us. Make sure that nobody else knows it. Check that no one can see your password when you type it.

We will do our best to protect your data. We’ll always do what the law says we must do to keep your data safe. Unfortunately, even where we do our best, information on the Internet can never be totally safe. For these reasons, we cannot promise that your data will always be safe. If someone breaks into our office, our computers, or our databases and gets hold of your data, we will let you know where the law tells us to. We’ll always do our best to help you with any relevant problems. 


Photography and publication permission during physical events:

You authorize and grant Misk Foundation the right and permission to copyright and/or publish, reproduce or otherwise use your name, voice, and likeness in video, photographs, written materials, and audio-visual recordings.

You acknowledge and understand these materials about or of you may be used for both commercial and/or non-commercial purposes.

You understand that any material taken of you may be edited, copied, exhibited, published and/or distributed. You also understand this material may be used individually or in conjunction with other media in any format, including without limitation to print publications, digital publications, and/or public broadcast for any lawful purpose. There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor are there any geographic limitations on where these materials may be distributed.

You hereby acknowledge and grant Misk Foundation and its employees, subsidiaries, agents, licensees, successors, and third-party organizations all ownership rights and irrevocable rights and permission to use, copyright, publish, sell, distribute, and/or promote the recorded video, photo, interview, and/or audio.

You understand that your attendance is voluntary and that you may, at any time, discontinue your involvement and not attend this Forum.

You understand that Misk Foundation can see no risk presently, and that you take full responsibility for your registration in this Forum and the risks that it may entail (either legal, physical, or mental) and release Misk Foundation from any claims, demands, losses, damages, suits, and liabilities of any kind whatsoever in connection with the foregoing.


Sharing your data

We sometimes need to share your data with other people or companies. Here are some examples:

  1. If our organization gets acquired or merged with another entity. If this was going to happen, we would tell you.
  2. We share your data with other companies that help us run our organization and let you use your account. We only work with companies that we trust to protect your data. For example, we may share details of [an order you have placed with our service providers who will fulfill your order], just to ensure that you receive what you have asked for.
  3. We share your data with third parties who help us deliver our services, such as companies that host and maintain our computer network or our website and companies that process payments for us.
  4. We share your data with people who help us run our organization like lawyers and accountants who help us to make sure we’re following the law and doing things right.
  5. We share your data with the government and other entities who keep an eye on what we do to make sure we are looking after you properly. There are laws that make us do this.

We only share your data with other companies and people when we know they will protect it in the same way that we do. This is the same as your friend asking you if their friend can use your mobile phone. They shouldn’t let their friend use it if they do not trust them.

It is important that you know where we send your data. We will send it to people and companies that are in Saudi Arabia or other countries around the world. Whenever we do need to transfer your data, we will make sure that it is protected. In some circumstances, the law will dictate that we need to take extra steps to protect your data before we can do this. These steps may include:

  1. Ensuring that the person/entity receiving your data agrees to comply with similar rules to the ones in this privacy policy.
  2. That we and the person /entity receiving your data agree to comply with a set of rules drafted by a regulator; or
  3. That we and the person receiving your data agree to comply with mechanisms approved by a data protection regulator.


If you are under 15

We try our best to make sure that we are not collecting personal data from people who are under 15 years old. If you are under 15, please speak to your parents or guardians about using our services before signing up. We need to make sure that your parents or guardians are happy for us to collect your personal data before we can provide you with our services.

If you are a parent or guardian of someone under 15 who has provided us with personal data, please contact us at the email address contained at the end of this policy.


Links to other websites

Our website may include links to other websites. These other websites will have their own privacy policies which you should read before using them.


Know your rights

We will honor your rights that are spelled out in the law. In some situations, the law might say that you can ask us lots of things about your data.

You can ask to see your data. This is known as requesting access to your data. You can also ask for a copy of this data.

You can ask us to correct your data. If you think we’ve got any of it wrong, we can fix it. You can also ask us to change your data if some of the information changes, such as if you get a new email address or mobile phone number.

You can ask us to stop using your data for certain reasons or object to us using it. Even if you said it was okay for us to use your data in a certain way, if you change your mind just let us know. We’ll let you know if we can stop using it. We’ll make sure we keep a note of your concerns even if we can’t stop using your data for the reason you asked.

You can ask us to destroy your data. We’ll do this if the law says we can.

You can ask us to stop using computers to make decisions about you. Sometimes a company can use a computer to make automatic decisions. You can ask us to make sure that a human oversees making important decisions about you.

Where the law allows you to ask, we might still be unable to do these things. For example, if you ask us to destroy all your data, we can’t do that straight away. We must keep some of your data for three years from the time you ask us to destroy it. This is because there are laws that tell us we must do this to keep you safe. We will always explain to you if something like this happens. We’ll never consciously try to hide what we do with your data.


How long we can keep your data for

We need to keep your data while you use our products or services. However, we may need to keep your data for longer if the law says we must. So even if you ask us to destroy your data, we may not be able to do that straight away.

When we no longer need your information, and the law says we do not need it, we delete it from our systems.


Will we ever change our privacy policy?

Sometimes, we are required to make changes to our privacy policy. This could be because the law changes or a new law is introduced which changes how we are required to handle data. The date this policy was last updated can be found at the beginning of the policy. We will also tell you whenever we are required to make changes to this policy.


How can you contact us?

If you have any questions about your data, email us at [email protected].


There are people who make sure we look after your data properly. These people are called data protection authorities. Data protection authorities can tell us what to do if we do something wrong. If you are unhappy with how we use your data, or you have a complaint that you don’t think we have answered properly, you can contact the data protection authority in your country.

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