
Photography Certificate Program 2024

14 Jan 2024 - 14 Jun 2024


14 Jan 2024 - 14 Jun 2024

Register Date

13 Nov 2023 - 15 Dec 2023

Acquire a solid understanding of digital photography

Language: English

In collaboration with UCLA Extension, Misk Art Institute is offering access to a series of foundational courses for budding Saudi photographers and photography students. 

The six-month hybrid program provides a solid foundation in the technical and visual aspects of digital photography. Photographers will learn digital image capture, editing, composition, and the fundamentals of lighting from experienced professionals who have successful careers of their own.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Technology and the core principles of effective photography, including digital image capture, editing, composition, and lighting

  • The technical and aesthetic backgrounds and processes that make a strong photographer

  • Aperture, shutter speed, depth of field, focus, ISO, file management, basic lighting skills (including contrast, direction, color, white balance, histogram), composition, and digital imaging (including an introduction to Adobe Lightroom)

  • The paradigm shifts in technology, workflow, social relevance, usage, and art. It is a goal of this program to address these shifts and be a resource to those whom use the camera in the diverse and complex ways that change the very nature of photography

Required Materials: 

  • Program participants need to bring their own equipment, including a digital SLR with manual mode, and a laptop to process the images with Adobe Suite (i.e. Adobe Bridge, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, etc.) 

  • Program participants must be prepared with a computer, Web-camera, and internet access for courses offered online and to retrieve course materials

Those who complete the program will be awarded with the UCLA EXTENSION GOLD SEAL CERTIFICATE.

What Misk Art Institute Covers: 

  • Flight and accommodation 

  • Daily transportation 

  • Visas 

  • Per Diem for the United States trip

Who's it for?

Practicing Photographers


In collaboration with 

A black background with white letters

Description automatically generated

Useful Information

Photography I (ART X 438.9)
January 14 – 25, 2023
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Photographers explore the fundamental technical and aesthetic principles of digital photographic processes, including DSLR camera operation, composition, and digital retouching and manipulation.

Photography II (ART X 439.90)
February 4 – 15, 2024

Photographers will gain control of all photographic variables while attempting various creative assignments in this course.

Lighting I (ART X 440.22)
February 25 – March 7, 2024
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Photographers will gain an understanding of how to use natural and artificial lighting to enhance your subject.

Photographic Portraiture (ART X 428.56) 
April 21 - May 2, 2024

This in-depth exploration of photographic portraiture covers approaching subjects, establishing a rapport, collaborating with your subject, and digital workflow.

Telling Your Story: Narrative Photography (ART X 450.99)
May 12 – 23, 2024

Photographers will develop a unique photographic storytelling perspective and define their personal narrative voice. 

Photography Portfolio Workshop (ART X 450.37)
June 3 – 14, 2024
Los Angeles, California, US

Through a series of creative assignments, get personalized guidance and feedback on building a cohesive photography portfolio.