
Silkscreen: Printing Shadows

09 - 13 Apr 2023

Prince Faisal Bin Fahd Arts Hall


09 - 13 Apr 2023

Register Date

11 - 25 Mar 2023


Prince Faisal Bin Fahd Arts Hall

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Interactive shadow printing masterclass on how to capture and hold a shadow.

9:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. 

Language: English

This five-day masterclass will guide participants through the very complex and ambiguous topic of shadows in art, language, and cultural understandings through lectures, joint discourses, and playful explorations. 

As a starting point for the creative work, participants will go on a shadow hunt together and stage a shadow theater. The resulting motifs will be screen-printed on various materials. There will a focus on the translation of photographs, raster technique, as well as haptic and visual realities in the print result. 

Masterclass Objectives

  • Gain knowledge about shadow printing 

  • Develop an understanding about the shadow as an appendage of an object, but also as its own individual creature, that exist on its own conditions 

  • To be able to reflect the term “shadow of the past” as an individual and cultural phenomenon

  • Learn to stage your own motifs

  • Learn how to use objects and 3D forms to create 2D images

  • Learn the principles of shadow printing

  • Learn the technical requirements of different materials in screen printing

  • How to set up the print station for two color prints

  • How to use of different printing materials

Who’s it for?
Artists, printers, and creatives

  • The applicants must also be fully committed to prioritizing this five-day masterclass, with no exceptions. 

Required Materials

  • Laptop with photoshop installed 

  • Examples of previous printing work (if available)

  • Digital camera 

Useful Information

Day One: Introduction 
•    Introduction to the topic of shadow as its own entity within diverse theoretical contexts.
•    A seminar-like discussion and exchange on different ideas about the concept and image.

Day Two: Design and Sketch 
•    Shadow hunt outdoors at Masaha to observe, collect ideas, and take pictures of shadows.
•    Capture and photograph natural or architectural shadow patterns on a white projection screen.

Day Three: Drafting
•    Draft and decide on screen print motif, taking into consideration format and materiality/background of the image.
•    Process digital photos to create a template, focusing on adjusting depths and highlights.
•    Screen preparation, including a general technical overview about colors and materiality in screen printing.

Day Four: Printing 
•    Exposing screens and preparing printing stations and materials, clarification about printing process.
•    Printing the first layer (shadows or highlights), including guided experiments with different backgrounds and colors (A4-A3).
•    Printing the second layer (shadow or highlights), including guided experiments with different backgrounds and colors (A4-A3).
•    Reflect and discuss the day’s results.

Day Five: Printing
•    Exposing new screens.
•    Color test series to specify shade color. 
•    final art print in A3-A2.
•    Reflect and discuss the final results with feedback about the whole process and the masterclass.