
The Global Art Market

07 - 24 Jun 2021


07 - 24 Jun 2021

An in-depth course into the global art market.

This intensive online course comprises a mix of in-depth lectures, interactive workshops and virtual visits led by Sotheby’s Institute of Art faculty. The goals of the program are to:
  • provide a deeper understanding of the systems, structures, and dynamics that drive the art market and the art manager’s role within them;
  • strengthen knowledge of the latest trends in the art market;
  • develop skills to evaluate the art market and the practices involved in buying and selling art;
  • develop advanced and structured methodological skills in: valuation, data analysis, archival investigation and market research;
  • strengthen ability to analyse, interpret and assess art in its regional context;
  • develop a critical and active awareness of the ethical and legal responsibilities of art businesses;
  • create opportunities to interact directly with experts at auction houses; private and public galleries; logistical, art insurance and investment companies;
  • build greater confidence in engaging with stakeholders in the international art world.

Course Leaders